Thursday, December 22, 2011

Atheists vs. Atheists

When we say atheist, we mean mostly non-Islam, non-Judaism, non-Christianity.

Because biggest religious wars of the history occurred between Islam and Christianity. For 1,350 years. Long time. Many millions death people. Big population.

And today, because of extermination of main values of human being by neo-globalism and neo-liberalism there is a new war. For the first time in the history, we, the atheists are in the war between Christianity and Islam. In the middle of it.

So most of atheist are afraid of this situation. Of course they are right. We know the history of the inquisition of both Islam and Christianity. They kill, torture, rape, etc.

To me, most of atheists are soft. They don’t like to fight.

But Trotsky says: You may not be interested in war, but war is interested in you.

We are in the middle of conflict among so called civilizations, indeed barbarism of religions.

I prefer war, or war prefers me. This is not a choice. I do not know to die. I do not know suicide. I know only to survive. Survive means war. Always was. Still is.

There is relatively freedom in G-7 countries. Atheists in these countries may be satisfied with this situation.

I am not a powerful warrior. I have many sickness in my body. But I can not reconcile the differences. I am a debtor of thousands of the lives taken by Islam in my country in the republic period. There were many massacres.

Theists must pay. In this world of course.

We do not believe other world, do we?

So my kind of atheists may be exluded by other atheists.

So my kind atheists may be vs. other kinds of atheists.

Are we, or not?

Footnote: This is not an agitation.


Blogger Snowbrush said...

Atheism is negation rather than an affirmation, so whereas there is an imagined reward after death for dying for God, there is none for dying for atheism.

11:12 AM  
Blogger Snowbrush said...

I fear for you, and I hope you're doing better physically.

10:21 AM  

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